
We strive to deliver all our orders / products in the fastest time possible. Depending upon your address, the delivery time may vary between 4 - 6 working days. That still won't stop us from trying to get you your order faster.

You can track the status of your order using the link: Track Order Status.
Additionally, you can track it via an email sent to you.


You can cancel an order until it is in packed/shipped status , as long as the cancel option is available on Website.

Yes, You can modify the shipping address of your order before we have processed it, by updating it under 'change address' option sent via email.

If you had selected Cash on Delivery, there is no amount to be refunded because you haven't paid for your order. For payments made via Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, or Wallet you will receive refund into the source account within 7-10 days from the time of order cancellation.

Returns and Exchange

If you would like to exchange products purchased from WELLBI, please follow below mentioned steps:

  • You can create exchange request for products purchased from WELLBI within the specified return/exchange period . If your address is serviceable for exchange you will be able to proceed and generate an exchange id.
  • Place the product in a packet but do not seal it. Please ensure product is unused, unwashed with all the tags intact.

The exchange of the product will be free. We accept one free exchange per order.